Basically all ingredients are joint together in a salad bowl. Onions, fresh chillies, little bit of sliced tomatoes, sugar, salt & most importantly is the cucumber. Most people use vinegar. I don't because vinegar is very seldom stored in my house (what an excuse ...!).
Stir all together & store it inside the refrigerator.
Serve this together with Nasi Tomato & Daging Masak Kurma.
oh my gosh!!! Incredible, I love spicey food and anything that has chilli's in It's got my attention. I'll be creating this dish today.
Tell me about it. It's too simple not to try!
hmmm...ja, i'm tempted to try this. you made them look soooo simple to do. i will let you know when i accomplish this.
Of course it's simple! But try nasi tomato too... baru ada kick!
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