For the first time in this recipe blog, no sauteing required. I use sliced shallot this time, sliced garlic half the amount of the shallot, lightly pounded lemongrass, sliced ginger & the most importantly is the chilly paste. The paste is homemade. Consists of chillies, about an inch of fresh tumeric & a bit of water blended together. You can use any chilly you prefer but I always opt for bird eye chillies.
Bird eye chillies.
You can cook either chicken or meat with this recipe. Put all the ingredients above in a pan together with the chicken. Keep stirring until the chicken produces some juice & you may add a bit of water if necessary.
Once the chicken is half cooked, add in diluted coconut milk. Keep on stirring. That's the only thing to make sure that you won't mess up this dish. Stirring is highly important.
Next join in cut potatoes in the pan. Wait until the potatoes tender.
Add the remaining coconut milk into the pan, just nice to cover the chicken & potatoes.
Complete the taste with salt, according to taste & there you have it Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Padi. Great to serve with hot rice or bread.